Weather Updates

Weather Updates

When fields are closed due to wet conditions or inclement weather, the CYSA will update the Hotline by 3:30 p.m. on weekdays, 7:30 a.m. for Saturday and by 11:30am on Sundays. Coaches, parents and players may check for updates on CYSA's Facebook, or Telegram app or call the weather hotline at 972-436-8648.

To sign up for free notifications from the Telegram app, download Telegram and join the group "CYSA Alerts".

Weather Policy for Games

Games in Progress - If severe weather strikes and the game had kicked off for the second half, the game is considered complete and will not be rescheduled. Otherwise, the game will be rescheduled at a later date, as long as there are reschedule dates available.

Games Not in Progress - For games not in progress but set to start within the hour, (or next set of games scheduled) a decision will be made by CYSA concerning those games at their scheduled game time. Please check the CYSA hotline, Facebook, Twitter or sign up to receive notifications regarding field closures/cancellations through the Telegram app (CYSA Alerts channel).

Weather Guideline (Including Practice)

Perry Weather Stations

Local lightning shall always be considered hazardous. In the event of lightning or thunder all play must stop. For severe weather that strikes during PRACTICES, triggering the City's Perry Weather system with one constant 5 second horn followed by a flashing strobe light, immediately retreat to a building or car (not a convertible). Lightning can strike up to 6 miles away from the base of the thunderstorm. Practice may resume only after the Perry Weather system has given the all clear (three 3 second horns). Please do not put a life at risk over youth soccer practice or games. For weather that strikes AFTER field update status has been posted: Teams should report to the field ready to play unless the coach has been notified by the age-specific commissioner or the CYSA has posted a cancellation update prior to practice or games. If you are scheduled to play a game away from Coppell, contact the local home association for postponement information.

The City of Coppell Parks and Recreation Department has installed the Perry Weather Lightning Prediction System in most area parks to alert when conditions are favorable for lightning strikes. If the Perry Weather siren goes off during a game in progress, the game is immediately called and players, coaches and spectators are to evacuate to their vehicles and leave the facility. More information about the Perry Weather system is available on the City of Coppell’s website. Instructions are also mounted on each base unit location.

Lightning Warning System and Safety Tips [PDF]

ATTENTION: These are only guidelines and some exceptions to them will occur. The CYSA Executive Board makes the final decision and will post the decision on the *designated platforms. The coach of each team should always refer to the posted notices or call the CYSA Hotline at 972-436-8648 before game time if there is any doubt games will be played as scheduled.


The CYSA, with The City of Coppell Parks and Rec Department, is responsible for determining whether a game must be canceled due to weather at any time up to the start of play.

When fields are closed due to wet conditions or inclement weather, the CYSA will post notices and update the Hotline by 3:30 p.m. on weekdays, 7:30 a.m. for Saturday and by 11:30am on Sundays. *Coaches, parents and players may check for updates on CYSA's Facebook, Twitter, or Telegram app or call the weather hotline at 972-436-8648.

To sign up for free notifications from the Telegram app, download Telegram and join the group "CYSA Alerts".

Extreme Heat Policy

For the purposes of CYSA recreational play, we will use the WBGT guidelines for closures only. Before temps reach the cancellation level, it will be up to parents on what your child can handle. Player safety comes first, so we will never question a parent's decision to keep their child out of whatever conditions they deem questionable, be it cold or heat. Please always make sure your child brings PLENTY of WATER to practices and games. A large jug with 32 ounces or more is best. Coaches are also receiving this information and should give plenty of breaks during practices. 2 minutes every 12-15 minutes should suffice in normal warm conditions. More often for hotter temps.
*Please note- the WBGT degree listed in this graphic is not the same as air temperature degree. Our region here in DFW is CAT 3, and so our cancellation threshold is >92.0, which is based on humidity and air temps together, and usually happens when the air temp is well over 100 degrees. Full description of the heat guidelines is found here

Cold Weather Policy

When real temperatures or “feels like” (aka “wind chill”) are forecasted at or below 32 degrees at practice or game time, fields will close and practices or games canceled.

Games canceled by cold weather will be made up as schedules allow.

If temperatures are above 32 degrees, activities will go on as scheduled. Discretion will then be left up to parents and coaches on whether to practice or not.
However, Games will NOT be resheduled if CYSA policy states games are on but players miss. Games are ONLY rescheduled if league weather policies cancel them.

Information is gathered solely from the Perry Weather Stations onsite at the ABW and WW soccer fields.

Image included is an example of our Perry Weather information CYSA staff uses and is a static image.