“I love to watch you play.”
Parents, the most important thing you can say to your child after a game- win, lose or draw- is simply “I love to watch you play.” That’s it. Make that your post-game ritual. And a snow cone. Always a snow cone.
You have signed your child up for soccer. Now what?
Your coach is a volunteer. Allow them some room to figure this out along with your child! They will be contacting you each season after CYSA has given them their rosters. For Fall season, that’s in the second week of August. In the Spring, that’s usually the second week of February. The coach will have all the info you need- when and where practices will be, what uniforms your child will wear, schedules and team expectations. Offer to help out. Step up to be an assistant. A team parent. Or just offer whatever support you can. They will appreciate the help so much!
Your player will need a few basic items…
Cleats (no football or baseball shoes)
Shin Guards (required)
Soccer ball (size 3 for ages 4-8, size 4 for ages 9-12, size 5 for ages 13 and older)
Water bottle (good size. None of these 16oz things! Soccer is hard work!)
That’s it! Your child is ready to play!
No jewelry. Do not get your child’s ears, nose, face, etc., pierced during or just before soccer season. They will not be allowed to play with jewelry. The referee will ask them to leave the field and remove their jewelry.
Learn the rules. Find them here.
Respect the Referees. CYSA has a Zero Tolerance Policy for misconduct towards a referee. Right alongside our players and coaches, they are our most cherished members of CYSA. Without them, there are no games. We will protect them with everything we have. No yelling at, berating, or “instructing” our refs. They are doing one of the hardest jobs a human can ever do, and most of them are teenagers in their first jobs ever. Treat them like they are your own children. Encourage them and simply say “Thank you!”